Horse Sense and Sensitivity

Now here's a worth while cause. I'm working on the board of Directors for this group that has put together a center where we can teach disabled kids to ride and to provide a Physical Therapist that uses horseback riding as therapy. It's called Horse sense and Sensitivity.Having a nephew with Down Syndrome this is also important to me. Since most of these kids have concurrent physical limitations as well, the actions and motions involved in horseback riding are a tremendous benefit to them physically. They can finally find themselves taller than everyone else, moving freely without a walker or wheelchair and having a sense of control . There are several programs working at the center including a physical therapist, a Certified Instructor in Handicap riding giving lessons and a program for emotionally and physically abused kids to learn horsemanship as well. There is a great deal of potential for growth with this organization and I would encourage all of you to look at their web site (Link here and above) and if possible to somehow get envolved. At the least spread this around so that more people are made aware of the program and hopefully the program can continue to grow.


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