The much anticipated -Annual Weldon Christmas letter 2013

After Thanksgiving it’s time to count our many blessings. All kids are doing well and all grandparents are still kicking. We lost our access to Cumberland but enjoyed our last few visits. We spent New Years at the beach with the annual tree burnings. We took 2 cruises (at least some of us did). We went to St. Louis twice, Seattle, Cumberland, the beach, Halloween Horror nights, and St. Augustine. We had lots of visits from friends and family and Will, Charlie, and Sam even made a road trip down for a visit and had some fun at Universal with the cousins. We cruised to Jamaica last December with Polly, Murphy, and niece Katie. Somehow we all got hoodwinked into buying Tiki dolls after climbing Dunn’s River falls (even Murph who is still scratching his head trying to figure out how he got dragged in when he specifically told them he had no money, pointed me out, and gave them my name to try to distract them from hounding him). I do not usually have trouble saying no but these...