Interesting Strategy in Afganistan
There are interesting reports that the Global Jihad movement may be splintering. The American Thinker is reporting on this now. "In March and again in May of this year I reviewed relevant South Asian media reporting to predict that the global Islamic jihad movement was cracking up. That theory focused on a split between the leadership of al Qaeda and the jihad groups that secure them in Pakistan such as the Taliban.". It appears that the U.S. used this split to set an elaborate trap in Afghanistan. Acc ording to the UK Telegraph... But an observer may wonder why, if al Qaeda had to vacate the camps, didn't they just go to other hideouts in Pakistan? According to this article in the Telegraph : The Uzbeks are a surviving remnant of the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, an al-Qa'eda affiliate that fought with the Taliban against the Americans in 2001. Its surviving members fled into Pakistan's lawless tribal belt where earlier this year their hosts turned again...